55th REUNION - OCTOBER 5 & 7, 2018
The 55th Reunion was held at the Maple Garden Chinese Restaurant and The Willows Restaurant. Twenty-three classmates were at the Maple Garden and thirty classmates and spouses were at The Willows. The luncheon buffet at the Willows featured delicious food as shown in these pictures. The food was located on the ground floor but the dining room was setup on the second floor. For some traversing the steps to the second floor was a challenge while others waited for the small elevator.
Sue Ann organized several “games” after our meal with the most memorable being “Name That Tune” featuring songs from our school years. Ricky played each of the tunes on the piano and classmates were divided into teams to try and name the tune.
A round of golf is a staple at our reunions. It provides the opportunity to "talk story" and to exchange coins in a friendly fame.
While attending the reunion Miles visited our high school campus and took these pictures of UHS. Things just do not look the same.
As we departed on October 7, 2018, little did we know that some of us would not be around to plan on attending the 60th Reunion in 2023.