October 15, 2015 Golf Outing
WHO CAME: Vernon Kajikawa, Howard Yoshiura, Clay Ching, Barbara Yamashita (Centeio), Ken "Bongo" Chun, Dennis & Dianne Sugihara, Dayton AuYong, Miles Nakashima. Dayton & Miles did not play but lent moral support to all the players.
WHAT HAPPENED: The players enjoyed themselves at the Barber's Point Golf Course on a nice day with gentle breezes that kept them cool. At the 19th Hole, quarters were exchanged...to a casual observer, it looked like most of them were flowing to Vernon's side of the table. A glance at the pictures taken during the outing will reveal the intensity displayed by the golfers. It was a fun time and we hope to have more golfers join in future golf outings.
WHAT HAPPENED: The players enjoyed themselves at the Barber's Point Golf Course on a nice day with gentle breezes that kept them cool. At the 19th Hole, quarters were exchanged...to a casual observer, it looked like most of them were flowing to Vernon's side of the table. A glance at the pictures taken during the outing will reveal the intensity displayed by the golfers. It was a fun time and we hope to have more golfers join in future golf outings.